draws from the Saul Alinsky model of community organizing.
I'm pretty sure what he said was:
"He was very good at what he did its just that what he did wasn't very good... We don't like him and we don't like people who DO like him. But we can learn the skill set and that's what we do".
He then went on to talk about how the "Tea Party" isn't a political party, but the idea is that "Tea Parties" are events where the "tea partiers" educate their leaders and try to teach them to be responsible adults in office" and other such nonsense. On one hand he says that the 'baggers have a legitimate message and on the other he says:
"My first fear for the movement was that these folks would be so hard committed to their central core principles that they would have no flexibility.
Their willingness to understand the practical requirements of political success for the achievement of your objectives beyond the heard drawn principles of their foundation beliefs was my most pleasant surprise"
In the other words, he didn't have much hope for the baggers until they learned to play politics as usual and conform to the mainstream GOP party line.
"The one thing you gotta love about these folks is that they're not asinine". Personally, I think the Tea Party is nothing BUT asinine.
Tucker Carlson says "the Tea Party people are about the most normal folks you're ever gonna meet at a political rally... their message is r". HAHHAHA what bullshit.
Full video here...