Edited on Mon Nov-01-10 11:23 AM by The Backlash Cometh
For the last few months I've noticed hard-core Repub signs on his billboards. Today he had fighting words:
If not us, then who. If not now, then when? We must fight to get our country back.
Something to that effect. Also, the parking lot was full of cars when usually there are only one or two. I had been taking my dog to him for years without realizing what a right-wing activist he was, and then he nearly let my dog die by misdiagnosing Addison Disease. I took my dog to another vet for a second opinion (before putting her down) before I discovered his mistake. She is alive and in good health, now, and I've always wondered if the misdiagnoses was a mistake or intentional. It turns out that we are on opposite sides on a local matter too.
Anyway, thought I would mention it because these are not people who like to play by the rules, if history is any indication.