. . . . half of those on each side are reasonable. Some of them are soft on issues and show little serious awareness. Some of them are well informed. But mostly they're just reasonable, even as they differ in their worldviews.
The other half of each side is where it starts showing differences on each side.
The half of remaining people on the right very quickly morph from reasonable to far right fringe teabagger crazy. The further right you go, the more you encounter proud ignorance, loud voices, strapped on sidearms, tri-corner hats, and those seeking Kenyan birth certificates. They probably represent 30% to 35% of "the right" and they're just plain fucking nuts. There is no reasoning with them. But as loudly ignorant as they are, even worse are the elected officials and media loudmouths who pander to them and work them up to a frothing, seething mass of hate and anger. I really do think this is 35% of the right. Maybe more.
The same is not true on the left. Once one gets past that reasonable 50%, one encounters not ignorance, but more finely reasoned thinkers. Sure, there might be anger. What lacks is ignorance. And volume. Not nearly as much volume. Where the right keeps their amps at eleven, the lefter lefties tend to keep their amps at 5 or maybe 6. This is the group that does things like attend rallies and post on message boards. Aware, concerned, unhappy with some thing, wanting serious change. Then, waaaaay out there at the far out end of the left side of the spectrum, with maybe 2% or 3%, maybe 5% of the total number of lefties are the crazy lefties. And even then, they're not ignorant. Or at least not as ignorant as so many on the right. But let's say that they're there.
That makes 5% of the left the moral mirror image of 35% of the right. The difference is, NO ONE is pandering to them. The shouting on the left comes from the middle of the left, really. The yelling, while loud, is fact and reason based. No one on the left is asking for Mitch McConnell's birth certificate. But they DID ask for idiot son's DD214, which, if the folk lore about his military service is true, should, indeed, exist. The left has no Sharron Angle or Christine O'Donnell or Sarah Palin or Rand Paul or Joe Wilson or Jim Demint. The most radical we have is Bernie Sanders and Alan Grayson.
Where Stewart went wrong was in equating the loud crazies on the right and all their panderers to the same types on the left, who actually make up a tiny minority of the left.
I know what Stewart was trying to do. he was trying to have it both ways. Like facts, though, there is no "other side". Things are what they are. There is virtually NO ONE on the left, apart from maybe a few outliers at the fringes, who would not, even now, be willing to compromise reasonably with reasonable people.
What the left will not do is compromise with loons looking for Kenyan birth certificates. Besides, those people are not interested in compromise. They are only interested in hate. And noise. They should be excluded from the process as they've done little more, really, than give the process an even worse reputation than it had.