It is a pretty big trick....transform voter anger into voter apathy.
The negativity towards the Obama presidency started pretty much out of the gate. The GOP are counting on all that negative, and sometimes quite subliminal ongoing message to translate into two things - either democrats are going to vote GOP - forgetting WHY they rejected McCain/Palin in the first place - or they are not going to vote at all.
I believe I read the grace period that the Obama presidency enjoyed was about nine months. Nine months, and they are ready to declare the entire administration an utter failure.
I say apathy - because that is all the GOP has going for it. They certainly have not contributed or even presented anything that would be helpful to America, its difficulties, its challenges and the hardship of a vast majority of its citizens.
The tea party movement - which apparently has no leader, and is "grassroots", somehow has a donor who lets some "speakers" enjoy the fruits of a Wall Street flavor - highflying private jet style.
But I digress.....please America. I am not saying vote Democrat. BUT PLEASE VOTE. Sit down, think about everything carefully - and if you decide that after nine months, Obama cannot and should not proceed with his policies - before you go the GOP route, I would only ask that you consider what the GOP are offering - what are they offering? Really. What? All I hear is Say No to Obama.
And if you are a democrat, through and through, and are unhappy, dissappointed, upset, enraged by Obama.....can you stand idly by while the GOP benefits from your apathy - even though they have nothing to offer - lower taxes....big deal. Guess what - SOMEONE HAS TO PAY FOR THOSE WARS. That is simply fact. Deregulation? HAHAHA - that is what got you into the current crisis you face.
If rejection of the democrats is a done deal....then at least make it loud and clear. VOTE. Please do not do nothing. Is nine months enough time to measure the worth of a presidency? Something to consider.......
Good luck to all, and stay safe. It is a pretty big trick to transform anger into apathy. This time, tell big money no.