Edited on Mon Nov-01-10 11:19 PM by Blue_In_AK
but I did do 87 lit drops today, plus I am a daily keyboard warrior in the comments section of the Anchorage Daily News. It's been interesting, to say the least.
I am hoping and praying (and I'm not a praying person) that Scott McAdams wins tomorrow. Maybe then Alaska could finally redeem its reputation. Better for us and better for the rest of the country, too. You gotta believe me -- we're not bad people up here, and we're not as right-wing as the media makes us out to be. Sure, we've got our wingnuts and characters, but most people here have one thing in common -- they love Alaska or otherwise they wouldn't live here. Our political differences arise because Alaskans love the state for so many different reasons, and the varied interests are always sparring.
Sorry about that Sarah thing, but it wasn't really our fault. Blame John McCain and the cynical Republican leadership who put her on the ticket to draw the wingnuts. She's a conniver, and she deceptively used Alaskans to sell herself to the national Republican Party. Many Republicans here couldn't stand her, but the national party was busy running faster to the right, and she fulfilled their needs nicely. They didn't vet her here at all. I don't think they realized how much of a monster she would become.
I want to see the Palin/Murkowski feud ended once and for all.