Reports Of Phone Trouble In NH; Dems, Wary Of 2002-Style Sabotage, Call AG
Rachel Slajda | November 1, 2010, 9:09PM
The New Hampshire Democrats this afternoon lost phone service at their local campaign offices in 11 towns, prompting them to notify the state attorney general and put out a press release.
The cause of the outage was not known as of Monday evening. The Democrats said they took the precaution of notifying authorities based on what happened in 2002, when the state Republican Party purposely jammed the Dems' phones in order to sabotage their get out the vote effort. The scheme eventually ended in the criminal convictions of the party's executive director and a political consultant.
There's no sign of nefarious activity yet. A spokesman for the Republican Party said they were also experiencing phone outages at several of their phone banks.
The Republican spokesman blamed Comcast. Mike Brunelle, executive director of the Democratic Party, said the problem came from two phone service providers, but declined to name them.