--code that the public is forbidden to review and that is owned and controlled largely (80%) by one, private, far rightwing-connected corporation--ES&S, which just bought out Diebold--with virtually no audit/recount controls.
Well, you could be proven wrong in about half the states in the country, which at least have a paper ballot backup to the 'TRADE SECRET' totals, but nobody counts about 99% of those actual ballots, and the other half of the states in this country don't have ANY ability to audit the 'TRADE SECRET' results. In summary, ES&S's totals on ACCEPTED ON FAITH throughout the country. And THAT is the worst violation of the separation of church and state that we have yet seen. Church = the corporate rulers. State = the faithful.
This is so egregiously, horrendously, obviously, clearly, demonstrably anti-democratic that no one will talk about it, except a few of us weirdos who actually believe in democracy. And those few corpo-fascist media moguls with the ability to broadcast their propaganda far and wide are demonstrably, clearly, obviously, horrendously, egregiously interested in maintaining multinational corporate/war profiteer control of the U.S. government, so they will NEVER PERMIT any discussion of corporate 'TRADE SECRET' control of the vote tabulation--or of the "true vote" vs the phony vote--or any other pertinent questions about the perilous state of U.S. democracy-- a perfect Mobius strip of deception, illusion, power and control.