The polling place here in NH was not crowded @ 9:30AM - just a car pulling in about every minute or so. I said hello to the 2 cheerful women holding Democratic candidate signs as I walked toward the doors. The 3 men holding Republican signs (on the opposite side) all said "hi" as I walked by - I couldn't look at them so I rolled my eyes and gave 'em the "what up" head tilt - it's difficult not to be rude to those ignoramuses. I overheard a fellow talking to the R's say "I think Republicans will do well today, but ...(inaudible)". I checked in and she had to yell my name 2 or 3 times to the poll workers in the background doing their due diligence - I just found it annoying whereas I think of voting as a private thing I don't like hearing my name screamed out in front of 20+ people. I ensured that I was still registered as "undeclared" and noticed that people in my district with a name close in spelling to mine are all registered Dems - cool! Not sure why, but there was no choice to vote straight ticket which made voting a chore as I could barely see if I was filling in the ovals completely and I had to do it about 15 times - how annoying (yes, my close up vision sucks - especially in the morning.) Oh yeah, I filled the ovals for all of the candidates in the "Democrats" column. They gave me an "I Voted" sticker after I inserted my ballot into the machine - how cute.