matter the final outcome of tonight's election results, the 2010 midterm contest is likely to be remembered as another vindication of the "angry" U.S. voter looking to shake up the status quo in Washington. But this tumultuous election cycle suggests that the American electorate is actually acting out of a more complex range of emotions than simple anger. "Anxiety"and "unease" are far less catchy terms for the voting public's mood -- but they seem a better way of evoking the sense of apprehension that is likely to accompany many voters to the polling booth today.
Two years after Barack Obama was boosted into the White House on a message of change and hope, it's not exactly news that the national outlook has soured. Voters are struggling with historic unemployment numbers and a troubled economy that has affected virtually everyone in America.
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goodbye barack hussein obama and your desperate and dying commiecrats. you are finished. your party destroyed the economy with your socialist programs and policies, and then tried to pin it on the republicans, you constantly blame george bush for everything, because you don't know what you are doing, and should have never let a kenyan muslim run for the president of our great country. you are so desperate for your party and not the people of america, that you have to twitter kids to post anti-conservative nonsense on message boards and blogs, and have to pay your volunteers. you have to place black panther thugs outside voting booths to intiminate them. you increased funding, at the tax payers expense, for baby killing clinics. you allow far left liberal professors to brain wash students, instead of giving them the opportunity to decide their political direction for themselves. you embarrassed america by begging for votes like a dog begging for a bacon strip, because you lack any type of class or sophistication. you and your party is a disgrace. no matter what your mindless minions say, and no matter what garbage the unpatriotic and cowardly lamestream media says, you are done.!!! america will stick a big fork in you and your lying, cowardly, anti-american scum party on every election day hereafter.