Kock Bros financed T-baggers --
GOP-gave start up funding for Christian Coalition -- Richard Scaife funded Dobson's
org and other wealthy right wingers funded Bauer's org.
PNAC, Heritage, CATO -- all of them funded by rightwing --
CIA funded right wing Repug members of Congress -- Sen. Strom Thurmond, Rep. Gerry Ford.
Pat Buchanan has gotten CIA money -- Sen. Jesse Helms -- and presumably many more.
US created, printed and shipped those vile Islamic textbooks we heard so much about on TV --
shipped them into the ME to create a violent Islamic movement.
US/CIA created the Taliban/Al Qaeda and financed it right up to 9/11 --
Carter Administration/Brzezinski used Taliban/Al Qaeda to "bait the Russians into Afghanistan
in hopes of giving them a VN-type experience" --
US went into Afghanistan 6 months before the Russians came in.
It's all a fake --
The only way the right wing can rise is via political violence and we've had more than a
half century of that!
When that still fails -- stolen elections and more lies.