The Republican War on Reality
By Paul Rogat Loeb
Sunday, October 31, 2010
“....Everett Dirksen is one of my heroes. The Senate Republican leader from 1959 to 1969, he pushed strongly for Vietnam escalation and took conservative stands that I’d have strongly disagreed with on economic issues. But he joined Lyndon Johnson in going to the mat to pass the Civil Rights and Voting Rights bills, and for that I admire him immensely....Today's Republicans are far from Everett Dirksen, and that’s a shame. Beyond political differences with Obama and the Democrats, they've been making war on reality itself, which should be a major issue of the campaign’s final days...." Consider these examples:
“....The myth of Obama as secret foreign-born Muslim: If 45 percent of Republicans think Obama wasn't born in this country and 57 percent think he's a secret Muslim, there's a reason. It's not just that Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have been spouting crazy lies, but that the overwhelming majority of Republican leaders have been silent, so as not to damp the fervor those outraged at Obama's mere presence in the White House. Yes, a few have bluntly said it’s nonsense, like Hawaii's Republican governor Linda Lingle, South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham, and Colorado Senate candidate Ken Buck. But most have responded with a wink and nod, saying Obama’s the legitimate president or that he’s a Christian "as far as I know," or in Senator James Imhof’s words that the birthers “have a point.” They’ve refused to publically challenge a belief that fuels so much grassroots Republican energy.....Denial of Global Climate change: Dino Rossi, Washington State Senator Patty Murray’s Republican challenger, recently told the Seattle Times that he couldn't take a stand on climate change because it's still being debated between “scientists and pseudo scientists." Agreed.....”
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