I hope they're just plain going to be aggressive, and get things DONE!
Get aggressive on guaranteed and funded Veterans care for all veterans, including those railroaded out because of supposed "pre-existing emotional disorders" to avoid paying for PTSD diagnoses, and including every LGBT service member purged under DADT!
Get aggressive on repealing DADT, Repealing DOMA, and Passing ENDA!
Get aggressive implementing a national jobs program that will employ millions of people, employed directly through a government department, rebuilding this nations bridges, highways, public hospitals, schools, and other public infrastructure!
Get aggressive on hard caps on CO2 and other pollutants (that diminish over time)
Get aggressive on shoring up the right to Choice. Abortion should be available nation-wide, safely, and covered by major insurance plans, without apology!
Get aggressive about cutting the military budget and ending these wars. We can't afford them and we don't need them. They serve no positive purpose. It's time for it to go.
Get aggressive about de-militarizing law enforcement, ending the war on drugs, and emptying our prisons of all the non-violent prisoners who have been railroaded into prisons to feed the ravenous prison industry.
Get aggressive about ending the free reign corporations have had as "people," yet above the law. Either take away their legal personhood, or make them legally subject to all laws that people have to obey, with their corporate charters on the line if the corporation is found guilty of any crime.
Get aggressive about banking abuses. Re-regulate banks AT LEAST as strictly as they used to be regulated, and then regulate them more strongly where necessary. Don't settle for these weak symbolic regulations that lobbyists write, just because that's technically enough to declare victory in the media.
Get aggressive about providing relief for homeowners who have been defrauded by banks, and who have lost their homes or who are risk of losing their homes. Be at least as lenient in processing the aid for people as you were with the banks. Don't give in to right wing bait, urging you to accuse people of wanting to defraud the government out of aid, when it has always been the banks who have been the ones guilty of fraud.
Get aggressive about prosecuting any corporate criminals who participated in fraud. Do not let white collar criminals go unpunished just because they are mostly rich and white.
Get aggressive about fixing the tax code so that rich people pay their fair share. Unearned income should be taxed at a HIGHER rate than earned income precisely because people did not have to work to earn it. Earned income should be taxed at a rate that increases as your income increases, and knowing that the people in the top bracket will have an obscene number of tax shelters available to them that nobody else can possibly use, the top tax rate should take that into account and should be set at an appropriately high rate. Say, 40%
Get aggressive about protecting social security, so it can never again be raided and put into the general fund, or threatened with privatization. Put social security money into a legal lock box by law so that it can't ever be touched for anything other than social security.
Get aggressive about protecting people's right to unionize, and make it easier for people to unionize. Recognize that unions have always been a progressive force in this nation, and we need them to be strong. Unions are the only organizing force that represents people directly, and advocates for people to the government, attempting to counter the influence of corporations somewhat.
There is a hell of a lot to do! Come on, let's get busy!