>>>>>In the November 1938 election, Democrats lost six Senate seats and 71 House seats. Losses were concentrated among pro-New Deal Democrats. When Congress reconvened in 1939, Republicans under Senator Robert Taft formed a Conservative coalition with Southern Democrats, virtually ending Roosevelt's ability to get his domestic proposals enacted into law. The minimum wage law of 1938 was the last substantial New Deal reform act passed by Congress.<83>>>>>>
Ergo... what I'm seeing tonite is not exactly the four horsepeople of the apocalypse. Big difference is ... there aren't many dixiecrats left with which the GOP can consort. ( Yes ,there are DLCers , and the like of course.)
I personally felt much worse on election nite in 2004. And I was right here.
I think the swing-of- the- pendulum thing kinda goes with the territory.
Deep breaths, all.
It will be ok.