I don't mean to sound flippant in the face of some negative results, but seriously, this is the best the GOP could do?
Despite the worst economy in my lifetime, swelling tides of hate and anger, the villification of everyone darker than swiss cheese, the embrace of bat-poop crazy candidates nationwide, and the unlimited tap of corporate money, this is the best they can do?
If 2008 wasn't a mandate, as many of the men heading to leadership positions in the GOP have said, then how can tonight be a mandate? Party in power loses off-year elections. Pendulums swing. There was tough math this year.
I have little faith in them and am sure the Dems will cave tomorrow. They'll probably start talking about extending tax breaks for billionaires, but this election has handed the Democrats a LOT of ammunition if they will only use it.
Follow the money at the Chamber of Commerce and just who bought this election?
Follow these former Tea Partiers, now congressmen, and just what does the Republican Party stand for?
Follow their stated mission, to stop everything. What good can these people possibly do?
And, starting tomorrow, the primary season begins meaning the GOP has to tack further right, THAN THIS. It has to become more acrimonious THAN THIS.
They don't have the Senate. They can't override a veto.
They have already promised a stunning overreach of obstruction, government shutdown, blocking unemployment extension, and subpoenas.
Tonight I pray for my democrats to grow a pair, like a particularly perverse version of the final act in the Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
Make the Republicans own it all. Make them own the billionare tax breaks. Make them own denying healthcare to children. Make them own ending unemployment at Christmas. Make them own swelling the deficit. Make them own the dysfunction they bring. Hang every foul cry and utterance of the hateful mob, these guano-men they have elected, around their necks.