OK, he beat Sharron Angle. More properly, I suppose, he is *beating* Sharron Angle and it isn't a done deal yet, but the media is beginning to predict he'll win and I suppose they're probably right. So the good news for democrats is that he narrowly beat Sharron Angle. The bad news for democrats though is that Harry Reid narrowly beat Sharron Angle.
Angle is bugfuck insane. One would expect that in a non-bizarro version of this world she would be politely encouraged to sit at the table with the grown-ups and to offer her opinion every now and then in hope that it would boost her confidence and help her develop her critical thinking skills. Instead, Harry Reid-- a veteran U.S. senator and majority leader of the most powerful legislative body on Earth-- has managed to squeak past the electoral support for a crazy woman with his hide, and his job, barely intact.
One can only imagine the message this sends to the republican party, and if that's the case, one must also imagine that senator Reid's ear is pressed to the same grapevine. If a batshit lunatic could come THIS CLOSE to unseating him, what might a moderately impaired but reasonably articulate republican pod person be capable of next time?
Harry Reid has no political future UNLESS things change fundamentally. Next time it won't be a rattle-trap tea-bagger crazy who opposes him-- it'll be a slick repub-droid spokes-model. The only way to change that is to change the underlying psyche of the nation, or at least of Nevada-- arguably harder than changing the deep south. This is Reid's last race, IMO.