If any lesson is to be taken away from this evening it is that an excited base can carry the moderates wherever the party needs them to go. It may be counter-intuitive given what looks like a right-wing victory, but I don't see this as a victory for conservatism so much as a victory for the side that generated enthusiasm.
When we voted in 06 and 08 we were excited about health care reform. We got it, but they made too many deals to get it...and they completely undersold it. We got credit card reform, something we desperately needed, but they didn't sell it and it still didn't go far enough. We got noise on the environment but no real progress. We got help to the unemployed, but we also got a lot of money given to big corporations who just pocketed it.
In short, the Dems made progress, but the centrist Dems were the ones who helped water down that progress and then ran like hell from it. They couldn't/wouldn't campaign on things that should have been slam-dunks on the campaign trail. But most of all, we saw politics...lots and lots of politics. Backroom deals with blue dogs and republicans, Rahm Emanuel constantly wanting to make right turns, insults to the "professional left," and a total lack of message control.
However, message control is easy with a revved up base...and the only way to rev the base is to move left and move left BIG! Get the base excited and that make it easier to get the message out that big corporations own the republican party in its entirety. It makes it easier to show that the republicans don't give a damn about the well-being of anyone who isn't filthy rich. It makes it easier to get momentum on real energy/health care/financial reform.
Centrism just isn't going to work. If we swing left and the populace decides it just wants to keep moving right...fine. It tells me all I need to know about the intelligence (and masochism) of the electorate. But if I'm right, and the liberals get excited, then we can finally make real progress moving this country into this century.