The Treasonous enemy will say anything, no matter how outrageous or false.
And we let them! We let them do it and get away with with it.
Ever hear of Obamacare? Sure you have. What did we counter with? :::crickets:::
How many voters think Obamacare is government run health care? The lazy poor getting free health care? We let a whole nation think it is when it is in reality mostly still SOP for the insurance companies because they wrote much of the bill.
What we need to do is take over the message. Not let the Republicans say any lies, spin they want and get away with it. We are lousy at countering that.
Somehow we absolutely, positivity must take back the broadcast media. Truth, Facts and reality must become important again.
The Republicans are using their mess against us, as if it is our mess. That has to be dealt with firmly. They are doing a very good job of making people believe their mess is a Democratic mess. And it partly is because our 'leaders' have no spine.
Look at our Democratic Congress critters that just got voted out. Most of them had spines. Check it out. Unless we get our act together, we are not going to be doing anything but losing more seats the next election because we will be blamed for everything that the Republicans decide is wrong, whether is actually wrong or not. (We need to totally get rid of the electronic voting machines.)
The Republicans cut taxes and put this nation 3+ Trillion dollars in debt. Their solution? Cut taxes and spending that helps the middle class and the below. Does that make sense?
No. Why? Because neither side will address our so called military budget. Our Military budget is in reality a slush fund for the 'Defense Industry'. Nothing more. That needs to be tackled and it will be bloody when we do. Real blood.
There is so much wrong with this country and we on the Left own it for no other reason than because the Right says we do. This has to stop immediately. The Treasonous Right broke it and they need to pay dearly for it.
War crimes trials for obvious members of the Bush Administration. Fraud trials, not bailouts for the banking and stock market industries. Re-regulate them so it can't happen again.
Change the laws to make it very unprofitable for any company headquartered in the United States to outsource our living wage jobs.
Dole out heavy prison time for crimes leading to things like the housing bubble, bank fraud, stock market manipulation.
Stop the "Heads we win, Tails you lose" gambling in the stock market.
If we do not, we will become another 3rd world Mexico, crime and all.