First off, I want to say congratulations to everyone who won their election races last night.
When we came into office two years ago, this nation was facing a 5-alarm fire.
We took decisive and extreme measures to put out that fire, and have just now begun rebuilding on top of the smoldering ashes.
But while we were facing this emergency, the Republican party stood on the sidelines and offered nothing but criticism and obstruction.
And I have to hand it to them... it was the politically expedient thing for them to do, as last night's results clearly show.
And it *did* work for them, make no mistake. The American people have lost patience with Washington D.C., and they took it out on whichever party is in control - for the third straight election.
If we don't get this thing working again, they'll take it out on whoever is in charge next time too. And they'll do it over and over again until we get this thing right.
To the John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, and all Republican leadership I say this:
As my mother always used to say, "be careful what you wish for."
The American people handed you a tool-belt last night. They told you it's time for you to get to work with us in rebuilding this nation. You no longer have the luxury of standing idly by and critiquing the job we've been doing. They told you to "Grab a hammer. Get to work!"
Now, you can try to double-down on your plan of the past two years and continue to be the party of obstruction in an effort to set yourselves up for a good election result in 2012.
That's one path you can take. And it might work, too.
Or... you can decide that it is time for all of us to finally fix this thing... together.
If you oppose, delay, and obstruct ... it might pay off for you electorally. That's a gambit you can make.
But at some point what is best for you nation has to take precedence over what is best for your party, doesn't it?
We Democrats chose a different path two years ago when given the confidence of the American people. We chose to do what we felt is right, instead of what is politically expedient. It cost us an election last night, but we can hold our heads high knowing that we did what we believed were the right things to save this country, even if those things cost us our jobs.
In two years, Mr. Boehner and Mr. McConnell, will you be able to say the same? Will you be able to say you placed your country's best interests ahead of your own electoral interests?
The American people placed their trust in you last night. They told you to get up off the bench, you're in the game now.
So grab a hammer. Let's get to work.