Evidently, Americans are into pain. Isn't it ironic that the party that caused this great mess Obama was handed was voted back into power to fix it?
Well, as a comedian once said, "You can't fix stupid."
Money equals message, and the republicans and ultra wealthy teabagger funders blew right past us in the message department.
So, I guess we haven't reached bottom, yet. I guess we, as a nation haven't suffered enough to open our windows and yell, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" How much more is it going to take, before the citizens rise up and take to the streets in 1960's numbers? Or will THAT ever happen? Are we truly sheep? Did the Bush administration effectively neuter our will to be active by spying on us, by herding us into free speech zones, while the media ignored what few efforts we made to be heard?
I was excoriated for suggesting in recent months to just allow the republicans to take it all. The House and the Senate. I know that a republican controlled House and Senate would spell disaster on steroids. Frankly, I'm not into pain, but I could see it coming anyway. So I thought to myself, and sometimes out loud, "Which is worse? The slow drip, drip, drip of Chinese water torture, or the kind of waterboarding Dick Cheney loves so well? (maybe that's an inappropriate analogy.
But my point is this. If we, as a country are headed for total meltdown, I would rather get it over quickly and begin the process of rebuilding, than let our pain drag on unnecessarily for many more years. The only way I see that happening is with a totally controlled out of control republican congress. For they will give permanent tax cuts to the wealthy. They will slash Social Security. They will perpetuate wars. They will continue to allow lobbyists to run amok in D.C., all the while dictating policy which is against our best interests. They will eviscerate much needed social programs. In short, they will cause pain throughout this country, the likes of which we haven't seen since before all the great safety nets were put in place during the first Great Depression.
Evidently, from last night's results, this is what the people want.
Oh yes, they said, "Thank you, sir, may I have another?"
May those assholes all rot in hell.
I hope I don't get banned for saying this.