It would appear that the weakness in the structure that props up Limbaugh can be found LOCALLY. In Indy, for example, Limbaugh is broadcast on local station WIBC. The EIB Network that produces Limbaugh's show cuts deals with local stations that allows the local station sales force to sell LOCAL advertsiers air time on The Rush Limbaugh Show. During any Limbaugh broadcast there is a mix of local and national advertisers. It is these local advertisers that should be strongly pressured to abandon Limbaugh's show. In fact, I would offer that local and state Democrats should focus on pressuring every local business that advertises on his show to stop.
Democrats must make it more difficult for the local radio station to sell local businesses that advertise on his show by publicly calling them out for supporting him. If every Democrat in Indianapolis was made aware of the local businesses that advertise on Limbaugh's show, they may stop buying products and services at those businesses.