Edited on Wed Nov-03-10 12:39 PM by HereSince1628
At their discretion they will...
Stop all payments to the UN and federally funded international aid.
Eliminate the Dept of Education, and move the Charter school program to a desk in the treasury dedicated to providing low-interest loans to charter parochial schools.
Eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency and stop SuperFund spending.
Eliminate the FEC
Eliminate the donut hole in Medicare by completely eliminating Medicare.
Cut Dept of Defense expendatures on fuel by siezing all oil assets of Venezula and Cuba.
Sell Amtrak, and eliminate all in-process projects for high-speed rail.
Sell the National Defense Highway System to Italy.
Sell Saudi Arabia Lake Michigan.
Sell the state of Washington to the highest bidder.
Contract with China for the defense of US interests in the western Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Collect air pollution fines for the abuse of air by Leftwing media pundits.
Contract US Highway maintenance to the Alabama Bureau of Prisons.
oh and other Prison Reforms...
...Have a surge in federal executions to save on prisoner maintenance. ...Eliminate 17 meals per inmate per week at Federal pens, by cut backs and the creation of Foodless Fridays. ...Create a rent-a-prisoner program to provide American manufacturers with labor costs that undercut the competitivness of Vietnam and Mayanmar