KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Through four economic recessions, five presidents and 17 elections, Democratic Rep. Ike Skelton prevailed at the ballot box by building a reputation as a military expert and social conservative. Until now.
Missouri voters ousted the 78-year-old chairman of the House Armed Services Committee on Tuesday in favor of Republican Vicky Hartzler, a former home economics teacher and state lawmaker who cast Skelton as an ally of President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Skelton, who prided himself on staying connected to constituents, ultimately was brought down by a perception that he had lost touch with his rural west-central Missouri district, which gave Obama just 38 percent of its vote two years ago. Since then, Obama's popularity has waned further in Missouri.
"I think Ike is an honorable guy," said Mike Sadler, 54, of Sedalia, who said he backed Skelton when he first ran for Congress in 1976 and had stuck with him. "But it's time for a change. He definitely does not represent Midwest values anymore."
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/11/03/AR2010110301145.htmlThis is what I think the election was most about yesterday. Not Obama, Pelosi, Teabaggers, or whatever.
For the first time she could recall, Lynnette Hunter, 61, of Sweet Springs, decided to cast her vote against Skelton. She said the country's broader problems required a new voice.
"We've got to start getting rid of what's in there now," she said. "We need a thorough House-cleaning."