Money shouted and drowned out thought.
I think that people were so desperate to see an end to the
Dubya recession that they were willing to believe any promise
of jobs if the semi-fascist candidate promising them didn't
say how the jobs would be created. So more tes for the
non-rich to support tax cuts for the super-rich, cuts in
public spending that destroy jobs, maybe cut wages so much
that the pay becomes a travesty...
Adolf Hitler promised jobs, too, but he didn't tell people
that the wages would never be increased and that a worker
could not leave the job without the consent of the employer,
so the worker became a serf or slave.
In my district, MI-7 the Hard Right Tim Walberg promised more
outsourcing of jobs and the privatization of Social Security,
and even the replacemenht of the federal income tax with a
federal sales tax on everything. He proved completely
subservient to oil and promised cuts in education. Oddly, his
district includes the giant Michigan State University.
Yet he won. Money ruled in this horrible year, and he had an
Orwellian campaign that promised people that there would be
more jobs. Not less income, but a liar like he would never say
that. If that continues, then democracy is dead in America and
we might as well.
Let's not be too hard on the people who voted against their
interests. They not the rapacious plutocrats who commissioned
Karl Rogue to bamboozle Americans.