laws are passed to further complicate a woman's access in determining what is best for her own body,
then hell no!that Gay people's rights will see the pendulum of justice be forcibly pushed back to appease bigots who find gay couples abhorrent,
then hell no!corporations that already have far too much 'welfare' are given even further breaks to help them 'be able to hire more workers'(overseas),
then hell no!public and higher education is stripped down even further, all while charter and private schools are permitted to carve out part of the public's dollar to run their own version of a school,
then hell no!running a massively expensive giant concrete fence along the Mexican border for a couple THOUSAND miles,
then hell no!allowing the removal of the health care bill without replacing it with something better,
then hell no!that committee after committee in the House will be bogged down with status-quo rhetoric and apologies to big business,
then hell no!an all-out attack on social services deemed as 'wasteful spending', that help those who often slip through the cracks,
then hell no!allowing the super wealthy to keep a vast majority of their income, against the needs of the nation's financial crisis requiring that their taxes go up so the poor and working class (where 1 in 50 children are homeless) don't have to suffer even further,
then hell no!