This explained everything that I've been thinking of the Democratic Party since their level of selling out to the corporate elite a LONG time ago
This note is not just for you Michael. It is also for the progressive minded pundits that you rub elbows with. It is time to LET GO OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY! I sat last night and watched you and John Nichols with Laura Flanders and Amy Goodman. The election results were streaming in trumpeting a bloodbath for the Democrats. I sat forward in my chair, awaiting the truth of it all: That the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for what transpired! You seemed at times, Michael, to want to just shout that out. Yet, along with the others ( including Thom Hartmann and his panel earlier) , as a group you all seemed to have hope for these hypocrites and sellouts! Am I being too rash? Sorry, but as a progressive small businessman and activist leader, I reached my breaking point in 2007. The Democrats regained control of the Congress and did
.NOTHING substantial regarding key issues
Michael, I love your films and your chutzpah. You usually speak truth to power. Yet, last night you behaved like the man whose wife keeps going out and cheating on him. Instead of finally putting his foot down and saying Enough is enough , he keeps taking her back after she squirts some tears of remorse his way. Been there did that Michael, with a previous love interest and with the Democrats. The more they bull**** us and promised us hope and change we would keep voting for them. Each time we showed great disappointment, all they needed to do ( as with this election ) is play the Lesser of two evils fear card. Yet, as you revealed in your latest film, we are talking about survival here Michael. The survival of our citizens to be able to have employment, shelter and a safety net has already come to an end. Sadly, these Democrats had the power for 3 plus years to make a difference, and did squat!
Do me a favor Michael, and share this with Amy and the others: Stop using the phrases WARS IN IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN ! There are no wars going on
. Only occupations. Perhaps if we who disdain what our nation has done to those two countries in our name used the word occupation , more Americans would begin to get it . Thus, we have a Democratic party that not only supports these machinations of empire, but continues to vote for the spending that this Military Industrial Complex needs so as to operate with impunity! Mr. Obama may be a nice guy and all that, but
. He is simply a servant of empire the same as Junior Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan , Carter, Ford, Nixon , LBJ and even JFK ( until he got born again humane and they finished him off ) . His party, with but a handful of exceptions, follows lock step behind the Fat Cats who run our corporations and the Pentagon.