Driving home from work, I turned on my local NPR station, and heard the program "Fresh Air." On the program, someone was talking about Boehner and his "Hell No!" tactics as minority leader. They also discussed, in some depth, how the GOP will have a challenge transition roles. It's easy to yell hell no when you're the opposition, but your can't lead with NO! You must do more than obstruct.
And it occurred to me with some clarity that the 2010 wasn't a mandate for Republican philosophy. It wasn't a call for bipartisanship, and it wasn't a demand to move toward the center.
Voters' liked what they saw in the Republican party, so lets analyze what they saw:
They saw NO. Then they saw Hell No. Then they got unlimited quantities of NO FUCKING WAY, before circling back toward NO!
Voters saw a minority party stand up for what they believe in, and they respected them for it. That's a very American emotion.
Voters also saw Democrats try to bend around their principles, like a contortionist.
We didn't lose because we're not enough of the center - many of the blue dogs lost as well-we lost because we failed to fight for our progressive principles. We did not take a determined stand. We don't need to move to the center - we ALREADY moved to the center, and we lost.
Now it's time for a stand. Not Hope. Not change. Just a stand - a progressive stand. Bipartisanship be damned.