If the puke criticize, then we should not. We should support our party as blindly as they support theirs.
Of course it's "black and white" thinking, and therefore it's not usually either very smart thinking or very productive thinking.
But the thoughtful and sincere and rational DEMOCRATIC critics of the administration are often hounded on this very site and by some of these very posters every time a criticism is voiced. We're labeled PUMAs or Clintonistas or whatever, and told that every word of criticism is a knife in the back of our fellow Democrats.
So -- take your pick: You can have blind unquestioning loyalty or you can have sincere and loyal criticism. If you pick the former, then you have to shut up and enjoy whatever comes your way, because you've ceded all authority and all decision making to your "betters."
If you pick the latter, then you have to stop telling the critics -- and I'm talking about the loyal, sincere, well-meaning, rational Democratic critics, not the corn flake brained pukes -- to shut up and stop calling them names.
Sometimes the truth hurts, but sometimes you need to see and hear the truth before you can start fixing problems.
If you honestly believe that Barack Obama and the congressional Democrats and the professional party leaders have never made a mistake, never made a wrong choice, never made a bad appointment, then that's your choice. And if that's your choice, then you have to believe in that kind of black-and-white assessment.
If you DON'T believe it's been a perfect administration, then you have to be open to criticism as a way of determining what the problems are, what caused them, who is responsible (if anyone), and WAHT CAN BE DONE TO FIX IT. If you can't acknowledge problems, you'll never be able to fix them.
The OP may have been addressing the puke critics, but I read a subtle message to those of us -- and I am not ashamed to include myself -- who have leveled criticisms against the Obama administration. the suggestion seemed to be that if the puke assault us, we must band together in absolute unity and never voice a word of dissent.
I'm not a PUMA. I don't believe in blind uncritical loyalty. But I do believe that just as the pukes have achieved remarkable success through unity, we should take a few pages from their playbook and tailor their tactics to our special needs (big tent, diversity of opinions) and our special strengths (fairness, critical thinking). Not black and white, but various shades of grey AND all the colors of the rainbow.
Tansy Gold, NTY