The noise they generate -- the lies and misinformation they perpetuate and the sheer hatefulness of their rhetoric -- have caused so much harm, IMHO.
On one hand it's their viewers/listeners' responsibility for choosing to listen to their garbage, but after a while, I've seen formerly reasonable people get absolutely sucked in to the hate.
It's like mind control. Absolutely.
Before many of these people can be open to seeing things a different way, returning to (if they ever were) reason and rationality, they need to unplug from the hate.
I think that's my part of my mission. Many will continue because hate and fear are often easier emotions to deal with; it takes less effort and less thought.
But, if even a few realize how toxic right-wing media is, that's a good thing.
As we know, many of their viewers/listeners consider themselves "good Christians."
I posted this excellent blog on FB this morning.
"Should Christians listen to (and follow) Rush Limbaugh?"
Edit to add this great quote: "Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear." ~ William E. Gladstone, 1866