the CLASS Act (Community Living Assistance, Services and Supports) Act was included in the health care reform bill. It establishes a payroll deduction similar to Medicare to be used for long-term care (no, Medicare doesn't cover that; that's why so many people try to transfer assets to qualify for Medicaid). And you can opt out of it if you so desire.
So what's the problem? I don't know. You'd have to ask the smug, self-righteous Senator from SC, or his partners in crime Saxby Worthless, Enron John Cornyn, Tom Coburn (R-Still Singlehandedly Holding Up Aid to Haiti), and Sarah Palin's running mate.
Title: Long-Term Care Bailout Prevention Act
Sponsor: Sen Graham, Lindsey (introduced 9/23/2010) Cosponsors (4)
Latest Major Action: 9/23/2010 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.
Sen Chambliss, Saxby - 9/23/2010 Sen Coburn, Tom - 9/23/2010
Sen Cornyn, John - 9/23/2010 Sen McCain, John - 9/23/2010Thank goodness it's in the Senate, where it will presumably die a quick, painless death in committee.