Twenty years ago, I was a mainframe computer programmer, and had, or thought I had, all kinds of job options. I figured I could probably find a job in just about any large city I wanted to move to.
Well, I’m not in that field any more, and anyhow, many of those jobs have gone overseas or are filled by foreigners coming to the US to work.
I’m 20 years older, and the job situation is terrible. If I were to lose my job I have now, I expect that it would be very difficult for me to find other paid employment.
It reminded me of one of my favorite books, ALAS, BABYLON. In the beginning of the book, pre-nuclear war, protagonist Randy Bragg has the option of moving just about anywhere he wants to, and practicing law. After the nuclear war, the idea of him moving to another city to work is ridiculous. Anyway, he had more of a purpose in life in his home town after the nuclear war, than he did before.
As it is for me…almost as if some apocalyptic event had occurred in my life. Now, the world of work/jobs as we knew it once, has totally ceased to exist.
I’m not posting this looking for sympathy. I’m aware that there are plenty of people who have it much worse than I do. At least, I’m happily underemployed, and can make ends meet. But I’m sure there are lots of you out there, who once had (or believed that you had) many options. These are the people I’d like to hear from.