Legal Dictionary
Main Entry: frat·ri·cide
Pronunciation: 'fra-tr&-"sId
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin fratricida , from fratr - frater brother + - cida killing
1 : one that murders or kills his or her own brother or sister or an individual (as a countryman) having a relationship like that of a brother or sister
2 : the act of a fratricide — frat·ri·cid·al /"fra-tr&-'sId- & l/ adjective
Its what the Republicans do all day long to other Republicans, other Americans and other Homo Sapiens.
Its what the Republicans want us to do.
I refuse to accede to the Republicans machinations and join in recriminations against any Democrat. There are legions of Republicans and many Democrats who take up for us slackers on the issue and have developed a talent for it after extensive practice.