Edited on Thu Nov-04-10 08:54 PM by Naturyl
Excuse me, but I'd like to borrow a ton of bricks.
With the recent election results, it's become clear once again that for a great many Americans, "it's the economy, stupid." And what is meant by the economy, specifically? Two things - jobs and taxes. I have a lot to say about both, but let's focus on taxes for the moment.
See, here's the thing. Teabaggers, libertarians, and other Republicans really don't like taxes. I mean, they really, really HATE paying for society. But we all already know that, so no news flash there. It's worth noting the irony, however, in the fact that these people who are the very first to call someone else a "freeloader" for getting some kind of government benefit are the very same people who want to enjoy access to our entire social infrastructure FOR FREE. Hypocrisy, anyone?
But hey, that's no big shocker, either. So let's cut to the chase - our "Democrats" are about to have a debate over whether or not the obscene, irresponsible Bush-era tax cut welfare handouts for the rich should be extended. And that's how we ought to be framing them - tax cut welfare handouts for the rich - because that's what they are.
Let's take a moment to ask ourselves - "how is this even a debate?" And here is where the ton of bricks comes in.
Instead of extending the Bush tax cuts or even letting them expire and leaving it at that, why can't we go ahead and seal the deal with a massive, backbreaking, earth-shattering tax HIKE on the wealthy? Punish success? You're damn right it ought to be punished, if "success" refers to the Wall Street crooks who brought us the recession and the bailouts. Why won't this even be on the table? I'd like to see the filthy rich in this country hit right in the fat wallet (where it *really* hurts) with REAL progressive taxation, and I mean like a ton of bricks. Why not start aiming for the 1950's rates, which went all the way up to 90+% at one time?
What's that? It will kill business? Kill the economy? Kill America, and make Baby Jesus cry in other assorted ways? M'kay, so how did America not only survive but grow like crazy in the 50's?
Mr. Obama, please accept this ton of bricks, and use it. I know you won't, because it's clear the Chamber of Commerce is running the show for you, but hey, dare to dream, right?