They don't want to tip their hand too quickly--not while we still have the means to fight back. They'll couch their intentions in vague phrases like eliminating "discretionary spending", but it doesn't take a degree in astrophysics to see what they intend to get rid of as soon as possible.
Welfare The NEA The EITC Housing assistance Food Stamps Welfare Free birth control at your local health department Medicaid Welfare Supplemental Security Income Free public education Did I mention welfare?
The moronic Republican House reps don't REALLY believe that eliminating programs for the poor will make a real difference in the budget--but they're DYING to do it anyway. They HATE the poor. They firmly believe that if we're too poor to survive without help, then we don't deserve to survive at ALL. They see all of us as breeding stock for future (and present) slave labor, and public assistance thwarts the goal of enslaving us because it allows poor people to refuse horrible wages and working conditions, and still survive until a better job is found. It helps to keep the providers of labor at least a LITTLE competitive. They don't want any competition. They want a MONOPOLY on human labor. They want to OWN you, from top to bottom, outright. They want us all so starving and cold and miserable and desperate that we'll accept ANY wages and ANY working conditions, no matter how horrible they might be, because the alternative--watching your kids starve and freeze--will be worse.
Welfare isn't just for the poor. Neither is the minimum wage--another thing that they HATE and want to see GONE. Public assistance and the minimum wage helps to keep ALL wages up. The moment those protections are removed, life becomes a race to the bottom of such EPIC proportions that most people cannot even conceive of it. The middle class thinks that their own comfy lifestyle is somehow separated from the poor people whose shoulders they stand upon. The bottom level of the capitalist pyramid can never be destroyed--but it can be purged and replaced, so that the middle level drops down to become the NEW bottom level. And that's exactly what the PTB intend for us.
Either stand with the poor or get ready to BE poor--and not poor as YOU know it, but poor as your great-grandparents knew it. No welfare. No food stamps. No Medicaid. No public education. No free immunizations for your kids at the health clinic. No government food commodity surpluses. NOTHING. Our ancestors worked their asses off to give us something better than the miserable, hellish oppression that THEY suffered. Now the Congressional stooges of the wealthy want to take everything that they worked for away--to turn back the clock to the time when, if you couldn't work 16-hour days in hellish conditions, you were considered unfit to live PERIOD, and left to die in your hovel. To them, those deaths mean NOTHING. Just culling the herd.
Oh yes, they know what they want to cut out. It's America's heart. And they're going to do it too, if people don't wake the hell up and start trying to build alliances with the poor and the low-income workers. The media has taught us for decades that the poor "welfare queens" and "trailer trash" aren't worthy of your friendship, your attention, or your help. They've convinced you that the poor are a threat, so you lock yourselves away in your gated communities and your planned neighborhoods, your credit-checked apartments with doormen, and your sanitary white suburban malls, all of which keep the poor OUT. The rich aren't the only ones waging class warfare; they're the generals who plan the war, but they're not the footsoldiers actually waging the war. They expect the middle-class to do it for them, and as humiliating as it is to admit, every one of us knows damned well that it's true. Our masters send out marching orders via commercials and the stock market and political attacks and governmental policies, and we respond unconsciously, just like we've been trained to do since birth.
Well we'd better reject all of that brainwashing and unite as ONE non-wealthy class, and we'd better do it sooner rather than later. We might as well try and stand together, because we're damned sure going to be enslaved together if we don't. I said it before and I'll say it again--the working class and the poor need to be courted back into this party. There are a LOT of potential voters there, and we need them. Ignore the pollsters and the pundits. The poor are not a hive-mind right-wing behemoth. Most of them hardly pay any attention to politics at ALL because they're too busy trying not to starve. They CAN be brought back to our side if Democrats reach out to them on a personal level. But it's going to take work--physical work--not just theories and platitudes and endless lip service. Compassion in theory is great, but compassion in ACTION is what gets results. Make their lives better, easier, less brutal, and you'll find willing allies. They might be uneducated (which is largely NOT their fault)...but that doesn't mean that they can't BE educated. Real progress--the only kind of "change" that ever sticks--starts at the bottom and moves UP. And so should we.