1. Denial
"There's no way the American people will put the GOP in power."
We went through this, most of us, before the election... when we kinda knew (deep down) what was going to happen, but didn't want to believe it.
2. Anger
"Americans are so stupid! What the hell were they thinking!"
3. Bargaining
"Maybe we can get some things through this congress. Maybe there's areas we can work with the Republicans."
4. Depression
"We're screwed. There's no use. The GOP has this country by the short hairs and we can't stop them. They own the media and the money."
5. Acceptance
"Alright... enough of that feeling-sorry-for-ourselves bullshit. We still have the White House and the Senate... and reality is on our side with its noted liberal bias. Time to get organized and kick some GOP ass."
By the time Obama gets back from his Asia trip... I expect all of us to finally be at the last step.... including him.
Give him a week or two to do some foreign policy schmoozing in Asia... and he'll come back ready to accept the battle ahead of him.