However, I wish I didn't feel it necessary to post this. I may be stating the obvious, but here goes.....
We've been had. Sold a bill of goods. Two years ago we were ready to change the world. Obama has done a lot, no question. However, look at where we are. Who dropped the ball? Who sold us out? There are a lot of questions that need to be answered.
Let's face it, the gloves are off, this last election was a referendum on one man, and not on his politics. What gray was left is gone, the tea party has made it a black and white issue. If we point it out, of course, we are using the race card. Who do "they" want to take the country back from? This is full blown us v. them mode. That is an obvious take on current events.
Now, who is "us"? Are we the "corporatist, ignore the progressive base of the party" dems? Or are "we" the last true liberals navigating our way through Jesusland?
I know I am sick and tired of being a party lead by a bunch of bi-partisan, give an inch politicians who run and hide at the slightest provocation. They are convinced that this time "Lucy" will hold the ball. I want the "us" to be represented by true liberals like Kucinich and Grayson (insert fav pol here), who are principled and willing to stand behind their convictions. We need some progressives who will "Give 'em Hell", and not stop fighting until the deal is done. Where are they? What happened to us?
There is no such thing as bi-partisanship anymore, that quaint notion is long gone. They have a "no holds barred", "win at all cost" mentality that will allow them to do anything and everything to win. And it is only going to get worse in 2012. This election was just a test drive. Our "non-activist" Supreme Court has thoroughly destroyed our democracy (again). The adds will get sleazier, the calls more frequent. Flying spaghetti monster help me.
Who is going to step up and be our "champion"? I don't think Obama has it in him, I have no doubt he is a good and decent man, but the passion is gone. What happened? Where are the firebrands of our party? Think about it, Sarah Palin could really be president in 2012. Let me say that again "Sarah Palin could really be president in 2012".
We are second class citizens, unless you are the privileged elite (if so you probably nodded off a while ago or never happened by). We have a government of the corporation by the corporation and for the corporation. It is obvious to me that we have two political parties that are different sides of the same coin. No one has our back. We are screwed. I have no answers. The two party system, that George Washington warned us against, is broken beyond repair. I will always vote for the most liberal candidate on the ticket. To what end I'm not sure, but I will be in the trenches fighting. I am convinced that the Republicans will have no problem establishing a special council now, with subpoena power of course . It was off the table in regards to Bush, but come January another Ken Starr will look into allegations that Obama did "so and so" or is not a real American etc. The only question is whether they can get impeachment out of the house in two years. But if I know my G.O.P. they are well ahead of the curve on this one.
Thank you for letting me get his off my chest. Like I said, I have not posted in a while. I have been keeping up with events, but have stayed on the sidelines by my lovely wife's "suggestions." It feels good to let off steam. Feel free to have at me, I am not sure how this post will be taken. It is sincere.
Peace, Max