Forgive my naivety. Why can't there be progressive news outlets too?
I thought, in other countries, Like England, there are liberal papers and conservative papers.
I thought, during the founding of our nation, there was the liberal press and the conservative press.
I thought Benjamin Franklin was a printer by trade, who used his press to push his ideas.
I don't object to opinionated news as long as it's carrying the label it is opinionated.
I do object to opinionated news that is passed off as impartial journalism.
We should get our news from many sources.
Opinionated news should be one source, but not the only source. It should be clear it is opinionated.
I hear people say they don't want opinionated news, and then hear what they watch or read, and shudder.
I hear local newspapers are in a death spiral. Journalists are heading toward the unemployment line.
Opinionated news sells. Impartial journalism...does that sell?
Why pay for good investigative journalism when people want a thirty second sound bite, or should I say twitter?
Why pay for good investigative journalism when you can get your news from the latest youtube video?
Whatever happened to Frontline or POV or in-depth reporting?
I remember watching, every night, from gavel to gavel, the Senate Watergate Committee hearings,
with Sam Ervin and Howard Baker. This was on one of the network television stations.
Would we expect such coverage now? I wouldn't. If I'm lucky I can watch coverage over the Internet.
Can I make a plug for ""? Of course "" has a liberal bias.
It is clear, at least to me, when they are expressing an opinion, and yes, I like a liberal bias.
They show an event, from gavel to gavel. One can watch the event in its entirety.
One can form one's own opinion.
How many people have the time or patience to watch CSPAN or CSPAN2 on television or over the Internet?
We are in a world of sound bites.
My mother is in a nursing home. When I visit her, I sometimes meet an 86 year old man who visits his wife.
The other day, he accused Obama of letting illegal immigrants vote in Arizona.
He was referring to the Appellate Court decision voiding the Arizona Proposition 200 initiative.
I looked at the 83 page court decision. I told him it wasn't was the Court.
I told him Proposition 200 was found to be in conflict with the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993.
I told him the purpose of NVRA was to insure poor people and minorities were allowed to vote.
That slowed him down, but didn't stop him voting Republican...he wasn't as confident it was Obama's fault.
He said letting illegal immigrants vote was wrong, but not letting poor people and minorities vote was also wrong.
Here is the appellate court decision if you have the desire to read it.... I hate sound bites. Find me a way to beat sound bites without resorting to sound bites.
I fear it's only going to get worse.