of a Representative Democracy, hiding within it the newest, most advanced form of totalitarianism and propaganda apparatus ever known to humankind.
The rules are easy:
1) If the Republicans win an election, it shows the American People have rejected the Democrats and therefore it is warranted that overwhelming numbers of Republicans be overrepresented, mirroring the just-won election.
2) If the Democrats win, Republicans need to be overrepresented because of the need to show the opposition's (really the corporation's) point of view.
Thus, as in all totalitarian societies extending back to antiquity (when they called themselves monarchists, dictators, and warlords), the opposition is constantly placed in a lose-lose situation until it is broken down and either dies or, in the more plausibly deniable versions such as ours, becomes essentially a subsidiary of Totalitarian Power.
I don't know how long you've been around DU, and how long or even if you have begun to notice that what is going on in the USA is far far FAR beyond a simple case of "politics-as-usual" but is a tectonic revolution, which over the long-term, is as powerful, sweeping, and authoritarian as the worst humankind has offered.
But take it from someone who saw it coming pretty definitively in early 2001, and who had been noticing the dots even though unable to connect them since the late 80s. I am not being hyperbolic (I wish I was).
If you are further interested in a deeper understanding of the mechanisms and marketing involved in selling totalitarianism to a nation with an anti-totalitarian founding mythos, which is what the Ruling Elite of the USA have done, I would suggest you start with David Brock's book, "Blinded by the Right" in order to understand the genesis of modern American Corporate Media/RW Lie Machine Fusion. Get it out of the library if you don't want to buy it.
http://www.amazon.com/Blinded-Right-Ex-Conservative-David-Brock/dp/0812930991From there, you might want to learn about the term Gleichschaltung, performed with more physical brutality while the USA's version is being performed with cyber and economic brutality (marketing, marketing, marketing, what will push their product in Peoria- the virtual enslavement of people who's founding myth is that they will NEVER be slaves?).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GleichschaltungThen maybe learn about Ed Bernays, the father of modern propaganda, and so admired by the Nazis that Josef Goebbels had the book, well read, sitting on his shelf. Bernays was a Jew, which means that Goebbels must have really really REALLY liked what he had to say.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Bernayshttp://www.amazon.com/Propaganda-Edward-Bernays/dp/0970312598 (the book which both the Nazi Propaganda Ministry and the American PR industry have based themselves upon)
There's so much more to learn and understand after that, and there is a terrible double-edged sword involved. Once you understand these things, you will better know the world, and MUCH better able to see things coming before they happen. But to all around you, you will be a Crazy Cassandra, as ignored as the very very VERY few people who were running around in 1928 trying to warn the Germans about the Nazis.
Which reminds me of a last link for you. If you want to understand more about what the USA has been going through (albeit in a fresh newly rebranded and focus-grouped package) and likely will go through (at least on a psychological level, since Nazi level violence is not yet an option in the modern RW marketing scheme), read "Defying Hitler" by Sebastian Haffner. Pay special attention to his descriptions of the behaviors of the German Social Democratic Party and other opposition parties and tell me it doesn't bring a chill up your spine, it's so similar.
Read the arguments of Haffner with his workplace friends who turned Nazi before his eyes and tell me the stench of Hannity/Limbaugh/Beck does not flood your nostrils as you read.
http://www.amazon.com/Defying-Hitler-Memoir-Sebastian-Haffner/dp/0312421133But in any case, beware. For once knowledge is attained you can't unlearn it, and there is no question that, as in all totalitarian nations since the dawn of history (which is almost all of them), it is a much happier life being ignorant of the larger picture than being the jerk who sees the Nazis for what they are well ahead of time, but is cursed by the fact that no one will listen because the plausible deniability of the propaganda is so great or the truth is so big and so painful that denial, one of the most powerful of human emotions, kicks in.