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Toxic Chemicals Deep at BP Spill Site Raise Warning Flags

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Generic Other Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-05-10 07:48 AM
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Toxic Chemicals Deep at BP Spill Site Raise Warning Flags
(Nov. 4) -- On the surface at least, the Gulf of Mexico appears relatively clean more than six months after the massive BP oil spill, but scientists say they've found toxic materials deep in the ocean at the site of the blowout, and some warn that all the environmental impacts of the gusher won't be known for some time.

In the latest study published this week, researchers report that large quantities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs, were present in the deep sea near the Macondo well head in May, and that the potentially dangerous compounds had likely spread to other areas since those findings.


The deep sea and the sea floor, where the spill originated, may be where much of the contamination lingering from the spill is playing out. And unfortunately, oil on the sea floor or in sediment is not out of play -- it can be consumed by bottom-feeding creatures which are eaten by fish like grouper or snapper. Storms and shrimp nets also could disturb PAH-contaminated sediment and reintroduce the chemicals into the water.


According to the Environmental Protection Agency, PAHs are "highly potent carcinogens that can produce tumors in some organisms at even single doses."|main5|1|link4|23650
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SammyWinstonJack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-05-10 07:50 AM
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1. Drill Baby Drill! Go Deep!
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blindpig Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-05-10 08:03 AM
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2. Damn them.

The government is complicit in shielding BP from justice.

Oh well, it's capitalism.
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