Edited on Fri Nov-05-10 10:06 AM by BolivarianHero
Allowing open homosexuals has enjoyed a majority of public support since the late-1980s, and only sagged for a few years because Clinton's cowardice on the issue gave an aura of legitimacy for the arguments of the religious right and the Pentagon. And yet Obama's spent 2 years dithering on the issue.
Universal single-payer healthcare enjoyed a large majority of support. And yet we get silly bill full of insane compromises when the whole thing can be done better, more cheaply, and with more public support with single-payer. Not passing a strong bill that a leader like FDR would have lost months of sleep fighting for gave Bohener's Bums tons of ammunition in 2010.
Hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on the military-industry complex and tax breaks for the wealthy have allowed the deficit and debt to balloon to levels that even would have made Brezhnev blush. And someone the solution to this is calling a commission of free-market fundamentalists to "reform" social security.
These were the convictions Obama claimed to have held and convictions that are popular with the American people. And if 2004 taught us anything, it's that being perceived as a strong and decisive leader is a valuable asset for any President, however stupid the man or his decisions may be. Fuck, FDR would have had a gun to the Senate's head and say "change your operating rules so that we can pass a strong health care bill or your fucking career's over."
The Democrats could have modeled their platform on anyone from Trotsky to Reagan and still would have gotten crushed in this cycle. Obama ceded too much ground when there were strong winds at his back. Nestor Kirchner rode the tidal wafe of discontent that brough him to power in Argentina, and he's proven so successful and so popular that his wife succeeded him in a coronation of an election. The opposition is left-leaning too because the rightist factions are so discredited in that country after neo-liberals transformed it from bread basket to basket case.