Pelosi: 'I am running for Dem leader'
Nancy Pelosi just tweeted -- and her press office confirms -- that she will run in the new Congress to be the House Democratic leader.
"Driven by the urgency of creating jobs & protecting #hcr, #wsr, Social Security & Medicare, I am running for Dem Leader," the tweet reads.
*** UPDATE *** Pelosi's office just released the letter that she sent to her Democratic colleagues this afternoon announcing that she will run for the post of House minority leader. An excerpt:
"Our work is far from finished. As a result of Tuesday's election, the role of Democrats in the 112th Congress will change, but our commitment to serving the American people will not. We have no intention of allowing our great achievements to be rolled back. It is my hope that we can work in a bipartisan way to create jobs and strengthen the middle class
"Many of our colleagues have called with their recommendations on how to continue our fight for the middle class, and have encouraged me to run for House Democratic Leader. Based on those discussions, and driven by the urgency of protecting health care reform, Wall Street reform, and Social Security and Medicare, I have decided to run."