Is a good story!
Where is our George Orwell? Where is our Sinclair Lewis? Where is our Upton Sinclair?
Propaganda spewed from radio, tv, publications and internet is salacious, extremist and inflamatory. For this reason it has hordes of followers and makes buckets of money for the corporations. People watch Fox "news" for the same reason they read pulp novels, it gives them an emotional jolt. They get to feel something that they don't feel in their daily life. They hear manipulative fantasy stories being told under the guise of reality and get worked up.
The way to counteract this is to create an emotional story that people want to read. Most books about politics are essays. These are rarely read by those that disagree with the author's convictions. They preach to the choir. But a well told personal story has the chance to spread far beyond the choir.
A personable character whose life is disrupted by the dystopian future created by Tea Party and Republican philosophies is rife with dramatic possiblities.
Some of you out there are experienced writers. I suggest you check out the discussions about Teabag utopias here on DU. There are lots of ideas that could become the germ of a great story. If you came up with the right tale you might change the world with your words.
Someone has to find a new way to compete with the pied piping of our corporate oligarchs.