. . . and their conservative skew (conservadems and republicans alike) as best as he's able. Maybe the legislation he passed wasn't progressive enough for some - maybe he's left some things out in the first half of his term - but he's still had the most progressive session in modern history. One hundred thousand troops out of Iraq isn't enough, but it's certainly not a conservative policy. It used to be a progressive notion to withdraw troops from Iraq. Progressives made it a zero-sum fight. Good for them, but pulling troops out of Iraq is progressive.
Passing HCR is a progressive act. It may well not have contained enough to satisfy progressive critics, but it's still a historic victory which has never been supported by conservatives. Passing and enacting HCR is progressive.
The President's 'idea crew' has been adequate to the task of moving Congress toward implementing progressive policies he's supported, given the balance of power he's facing. I understand that some folks would have him do nothing at all, rather than leave their own proposals behind. That's not very progressive.