During his campaign, Greene described himself as a moderate
Democrat. His campaign slogan was "Let's get South
Carolina back to work."[18] Greene favored measures to
lower the price of gas and supports offshore drilling. He
supported a united Korea under a democratic system of
government.[22] He supported allowing the Bush tax cuts to
expire and supported reform of the financial industry. Greene
supported job creation, increased highway construction
projects and pursuit of alternative energy sources. He also
called for better school facilities and pay raises for
teachers. On the subject of firearms, Greene said he supported
the Constitution.[17] Greene favored winding down the wars in
the Middle East and "using that money for domestic
programs, such as job creation, education, and Social
In his first speech after winning the nomination, Greene
proposed to spend more money on education, building highways
and tourism infrastructure.[45] He proposed to build new
evacuation routes from the coast. He also wanted to expand
water and sewer systems into rural communities, use renewable
energy where it is possible. He strongly promoted idea of the
reforms in judicial system to make sure that punishment fits
the crime, i.e. that the severity of penalty for a misdeed or
wrongdoing should be reasonable and proportionate to the
severity of the infraction.[46] He said that first-time
non-violent offenders should have a chance to go into
pre-trial intervention programs, instead of going to jail.[45]
“Fairness saves us money,” he said in an interview. “There are
innocent people incarcerated. We spend more than two times of
our taxpayer dollars on inmates than on students.”[47]
In an editorial published in The Guardian as "The Alvin
Greene manifesto for a fairer America", Greene explained
his political views in more detail and attacked the political
establishment. Greene advocated free universal health care,
saying that the United States should model its system on
Austria, Britain, or Canada. He also stated that the United
States should adopt a free college education policy modeled
after the system that had been in place in Britain. Greene
stated that the government should break up large banks, shut
down payday lenders, and reform the debt collection industry.
He also pledged to work to end free trade by enacting tariffs
or banning the importation of foreign goods to the United
States. Greene cited the example of mismanagement at the
Pentagon as proof that greater accountability in government is
needed. He criticized corporate influence on politics, saying
that "Half the members of the US senate work for BP. The
other half work for Halliburton."[48][49]