Just two days ago, I wrote a long post about how we need to fight the corporations instead of playing the endless game of corporate one party ping pong and lo and behold.
Here comes the PERFECT opportunity to fight back....
As we all know by now, Keith Olberman was suspended indefinitely without pay from MSNBC, for a made up reason, in an effort to silence one of the few voices of truth in the corporate MSM. Keith is not perfect but he is a decent man and he has done an amazing job of providing real news coverage of many important issues, especially considering the corporate system in which he is employed.
Michael Moore was immediately on it with a petition for everyone to shut off MSNBC, if Olberman isn't immediately restored to his position.
Thank you Michael, but this does not go nearly far enough.
You want to fight back against the corporate mainstream media, you need to do more then demand they return one of the few token voices of sanity on the air to his post.
No. This is WAR people. And, the ONLY ONLY ONLY thing that the corporate thugs understand is impact to their profit supply which is their god and ruler.
So, let's hit them with an organized campaign to hit them where it hurts.
Let's start a campaign to cancel our cable tv and satellite subscriptions and stop paying the fuckers to LIE to us and manipulate us and CONTROL us.
And, let's make the reason CRYSTAL CLEAR.
Fuck the Corporate Media Campaign. Fuck the Corporate Propaganda Machine. I am sure we can all think of a very catchy title.
How much profit loss will they experience if we can get 100,000....500,000....1,000,0000 people to stop paying money to support the mega-conglomerations in profiting off our addiction to the tube.
This is a TINY sacrifice folks, in the scheme of things. It is nothing when we think of the sacrifices of the great leaders and peace makers in American history.
Really, what would it take to throw up a website and unite here and on Daily Kos and on firedog and on the Amy Goodman show and michaelmoore.com? What would it take to have a few hundred...few thousand of us do home videos to feature on the site and use this campaign as an opening shot to the corporations to let them know ENOUGH is ENOUGH? The fight is here and this is small potatoes to what the PEOPLE will do to stop the madness of the corporate rule that is destroying our country, our globe, our lives, our childrens' futures.....
Every chance...every opportunity...every way shape and form...
take their money away...take their power away...
Don't think it can be done. I think it can. I think people desperately NEED a outlet that provides structured leadership to fight back against the criminal corporate rule....
So let's start.
I am putting this post out to you, and I will do what I can with the limited resources I have to find a way to get it rolling if I see the support to join in and fight...
I am ready. This is just a first tiny step. But, it is a place to start. It is a place to deny them money and control, and if we can get every true progressive on board, we could have the numbers to make a real impact.
We be many and they be few. Let's show them the power of numbers.
My original post can be read here: