Edited on Sat Nov-06-10 01:09 AM by Urban Prairie
We went about two months with very little and then no food, after paying for utility bills that we were months behind on, after I was released from a two week hospital stay and then spent another two weeks recovering from the surgery in a nursing home. The county DHS would not help us since we needed to have made five payments on our utility bills over the past year to qualify for assistance, and we had only made four during the year. As a result, we were flat broke at the time and had no transportation, as my old truck had broke down with transmission problems, soon after I came home to the small condo that we are renting.
Our neighbor eventually came to the rescue with some non-perishable canned goods and a frozen turkey from her church group. We did not know about it beforehand, and we were surprised and very grateful for the help when we most needed it. I know that what we dealt with pales in comparison to what many families go through for months, if not years in the US, but we did get a small "taste" of what the truly poor in the US endure each and every day, and it is humbling and scary.
How can a country like this that borrows and spends billions upon billions of not really assets or funds but MORE red ink and electronic vapor in the liability columns of spreadsheets for "defense" and the "war on terror" permit millions to go hungry and tens if not hundreds of thousands being homeless? What and whom are they really defending? Someday, perhaps as soon as the next decade, if this continues, there may only be a very small portion of the country that will still have assets/property, and the rest (that still survives) will be starving, ill, desperate, and homeless. It is like paying the police (military) to search for the group (terrorists) that robbed your home and killed members of your family, meanwhile the fire department (government) lets arsonists (global corporations) burn it to the damned ground.