Like everyone else, I'm bummed, pissed and want to blame someone about Tuesday, but after a short grieving period here at DU, we need to get back on the horse and remember what makes us Democrats and to remember who our foes really are. Certainly, we are a diverse group and as individuals might not meet the 100 percent litmus test of what it means to be a Democrat to other individual DU members, but foremost, we are all Democrats. With that, I think a few things need to be pointed out:
1. We need to recognize the past economy: this country has been in the economic toilet for what, almost ten years now and even though it is showing signs of life, the past few years have been especially troublesome. People are worried and numb to the fact it takes time for the improving economy to reach them. Yes, it needs to be felt faster, but we happened to be on the receiving end of the kick in the ass.
2. The Bailouts were too complex for many to understand: when they were going on, our people simply did not explain to the American people what the impact would be if lending organizations were allowed to fail. People who follow the economy closely may have understood, but the general public saw the bailouts as a pay off to rich or did not understand the depth of doing nothing. People don't even understand the importance of the debt ceiling.
3. Changing Technology and American Society: The way Americans process information is rapidly changing. Our society is moving along at warp speeds in some areas. Not only that, our brains and the way we process information is changing. Complex themes will increasingly be difficult to be persuasive to the American people. Think of it - Twitter. What does this say about America and information?
4. Obama is more complex than many want to think of: I seriously believe he felt he would be able to impress upon those in Washington we really need to work together regarding the problems facing this country. I believe he has a deep world view of this country and underestimated his opponents regarding their refusal to come together.
5. Give them the rope to hang themselves: From past political history it should be clear the Republicans WILL overreach. They are all ready doing it and will continue to do it. We must remember they are acting like they just won the elective office trifecta - these people only won ONE elective body, but we need to let them think and act like they took the board because their arrogance can be their downfall. But what we must not do is take the shovel from their hands when they are digging their own holes. We should instead give them all the rope they want. If they want to cut Medicare or SS we should let them talk about it all they want and not offer them a damn thing to prevent them from running off the cliff. These people will assist their own destruction if we let them.
6. We MUST remember who we are: We must remember what we are about. Democrats must use our diversity to our advantage better. Me must make this truly a party about people and humane issues. If we do things correctly, demographics are on our side in a relatively short time, but we must make our party about people. Our young people are growing up more tolerant of everything and other views are slowly changing. These people who just took the house will show in a short time how they are for the machine that devours people and if we are able to deliver for people in a humane way, our way out of the forest will be quicker and clearer.