Edited on Sat Nov-06-10 11:23 AM by KingOfLostSouls
these guys are partisan republicans but not teabaggers by any stretch of the imagination. Eastern WA state is pretty red, they're more business man types.
one of the things they both agreed on: they're fucked.
it was nonstop, "god we're fucked. we have to produce shit. the leadership are going to fuck off wasting time on investigations and cause gridlock. the teabaggers we elected are going to be a national embarrassment."
I mentioned ohio where kasich first thing wants to cancel a railway project that killed jobs and going to gut services and other stuff, all they could do was groan like, "god we're so screwed."
was kinda interesting to hear these guys, even though they voted for dino rossi, flat out admit their party is fucked in the long run and that they won't be able to produce. I kept hanging bachmann around their neck all night and all they could do was groan and like, "god I wish she would shut the hell up."
they look at a strong DNC leader coming back like dean or feingold as their worst nightmare, forgot we discussed that, like this cycle we had no dem visibility in eastern WA, last cycle they were putting pressure out all over.
this gives me serious hope going into 2012. frankenstein's monster, the tea party, is going to be their undoing in the long run.
mostly because like I said, they know they have to actually produce stuff and no ones going to tolerate rank partisanship except their base. people are going to look at the GOP's freak show as a huge screw up. sorry, had this discussion over beers so kinda coming back.
just a lot discussed but it made waking up with a headache easier because deep down theres a lotta conservatives who are right wing but not teabaggers and don't care about religion or birth certificates who are shitting themselves if rand paul filibusters the debt ceiling, and even they think it'll be 10 years before unemployment gets back down and repubs promised everything and won't be able to deliver.
I also made a point of congradulating them on sarah palin being their 2012 nominee and they know its going to happen. they just kept going over and over, "we are so fucked."
on edit: oh yeah, eastern WA has a large hispanic population and anyone who's heard of the sharon angle ads were PISSED. we definitely need to be hanging that shit around their necks this coming cycle. the hispanic vote pretty much saved harry reid. a lotta hard working migrants, people with citizenship, born here, with relatives, hispanic business people, look at her as a flat out racist. we need to beat them on the social issues like abortion and make it about racism and scapegoating the hard working hispanic communities across the country.
another edit; they hate eric cantor lol. he's not very popular outside his district, raising his visibility is going to be another liability. he comes off as smarmy and whiney and just recites talking points. like a slimeball. which he is. making him the face of the GOP and mitch mcconnell, with his no chin look and attitude is going to really cut into them. we talked about that also like, their leaders have no charisma. its just kinda funny people who are like, yeah I hate these guys but vote for them.