Edited on Sat Nov-06-10 03:48 PM by Denninmi
First and foremost, many of them are worked up to the point that the believe tat there should be no taxes of any kind, and certainly never any kind of tax "increase" or even renewal.
The real problem with the premise of "you would get to keep almost every penny you made" is that it would make very little practical difference to the average working class or middle class person -- what real difference is a few thousand dollars a year going to make in the "big picture" of their lives. But, the many, many thousand of dollars paid by those wealthier taxpayers who haven't managed to totally game the system to get their tax bill down to a very low level already seems to be an unjust enrichment IMO.
I live in metro Detroit. Many communities here are beginning to really face the crunch. Yesterday, my county government announced it was laying off 1/3 of the road plow drivers due to budget cuts. Our winter road maintenance during snowstorms and ice storms was already poor, it will only get worse.
But, will the teabaggers put 2 and 2 together and ever come up with anything other than 5?
I have a perfect example from another forum I post on regularly, and I would LOVE to have responded to this idiot, but I kind of held my tongue because I wasn't quite sure what to say without coming off as an a-hole myself:
A thread was started about budget deficits and government layoffs. One woman posted that she was a librarian and has already been told that by spring she most likely would lose her job. A few posts later, semi-regular, tea party type person who posts mostly around election cycles and other big political events (lots of posting last March, for example) got on there and said "well, we need to thin out the deadwood, the lazy, the unnecessary. But, don't fire my 2 sons, who both work for the government..." Hypocrite and stupid as all get out to boot. This person gets on there and posts about the evils of government and taxes and so on and so forth, but can't connect the dots and figure out that her own attitudes, activities, and voting patterns might contribute to the very situation she fears. And, she is arrogant enough to suggest that her 2 sons are somehow more deserving than the poor librarian, who is "deadwood" in her opinion.