Duncan spent yesterday in England touring a school and visiting with his British counterpart, Secretary of State for Education Michael Gove. The Guardian interviewed the US Ed head last week. Here's a snippet from the summary:
He said: "I just have tremendous respect for the educational work and the leadership that I've seen coming from the UK and we're all working on the same issues and have the same challenges."
The talks with Gove will focus on how to "elevate" the teaching profession, bringing in committed new teachers while ensuring bad ones are eliminated. Both Obama and Duncan have taken a tough line on failing teachers, praising education officials who fired all the staff at a school in Rhode Island in February after they refused to work a longer day.
Gove and Duncan are also expected to look at how best to evaluate teachers' performance, and how to reach "historically under-served" communities.
He backed a vision of "free schools" which are funded by the taxpayer but able to adopt their own teaching methods and vary the curriculum. Duncan accused critics who said these schools would flourish at the expense of existing state schools of indulging in "phoney debates".On the same day of Duncan's visit, Gove announced a £110 school initiative aimed at turning around "underperforming" schools. Sound familiar? It's modeled, says Gove, after the Race to the Top. And, like the cutting of food stamps to pay for the $10 billion education aid while staving off cuts to two prized pots of cash, RTTT and TIF, this £110 investment was made by cutting back on extensions to the free lunch program.
Here's a snippet from a recent Guardian article:
Money saved by scrapping free school meals for half a million primary school children will be used for a scheme under which groups compete for cash to improve England's worst-performing schools.http://www.schoolsmatter.info/2010/11/duncan-and-rttt-england-nsvf-copy-too.htmlStarry Messenger & I recently posted a two-part series detailing the finance interests pushing the British version of school deform.
http://journals.democraticunderground.com/Hannah%20Bell/142http://journals.democraticunderground.com/Starry%20Messenger/132Among the findings: the British version includes explicitly for-profit operators, some of whom are already operating for-profit schools in multiple countries.
It also includes defense contractors, some of which are subsidiaries or spin-offs of US corporations.
It also includes at least one "charity" with connections to the Rick Warren/Billy Graham/Campus Crusade for Christ fundies-+-intelligence assets.
If you still think school deform is about "the children" you're delusional or disingenuous. Sorry, you just are.
Looks like the UK & US are coordinating their moves.