I'm not religious, by any means. I'm an atheist. But this is a good, decent man who spreads a message of love and acceptance. It's despicable that he and his husband have gotten death threats in the time he was elevated to bishop. He has done some very good work. And he'll continue doing even after he leaves his position in the Episcopal church. Thank you, Bishop Robinson.
Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church, announced today to New Hampshire's diocesan convention that he will retire at the end of 2013. It appears as if the decision was made primarily due to the negative attention he has received from all over the world since his historical election in 2003. The reason for the lengthy time period, he explains, is to allow for what he refers to as "a smooth and unhurried process of transition, for the diocese and for (himself)."
The New York Times reports on the unexpected news:
The news took some by surprise because Bishop Robinson is an energetic 63-year-old, and mandatory retirement age for Episcopal bishops is 72. He has led a relatively stable and healthy diocese, despite predictions by some that his election would undermine the Episcopal Church in New Hampshire.
The reason to depart, he said in a speech delivered at the close of the annual convention of his diocese, is that being at the center of an international uproar has taken a toll on him and on the diocese.